Sunday, December 31, 2006

Time for new beginnings

See John 21.15-18
- Michael, son of Arthur, do you love me more than these idols you worship, more than all these other things you fill your life up with?
- Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.
[no comment on the comparison]
- Feed my sheep.
Michael, son of Arthur, do you love me?
[no comparison asked for this time]
- Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.
- Then take care of my lambs.
Michael, son of Arthur, do you love me?

- [putting on hurt feelings, but knowing exactly what Jesus is getting at because of the comparison at the beginning – the clutter, the idols, the selfishly doing what I want to do] Lord, you know everything, you know that I love you.

- Then take care of my sheep. Look, in the past you did whatever you liked. You chose what to do – and you did it. But things have got to change. If I’m going to use you – and that’s why I called you – you can no longer rule your own life. I’m in charge. And that means you go where I want you to go, not where you want to go. It means you do what I want you to do, not what you want to do. You say you love me – and that’s true: I know that you love me. But you need to demonstrate that love by feeding my sheep, you need to live that love by taking care of my lambs.