Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Not there yet

"You are able to do a lot more than you think you are able to do."

- was the conclusion of a discerning elder friend when I shared with him how God had been leading me thus far, and my interests and passions.

If I’m to be doing a whole lot more than I’m doing now I need to: a) prioritise a lot more carefully and strategically abandon things that get in the way of the vocational work; and b) avoid idols like the plague that they are, and focus on the work God has called me to do and on the relationship with him that he has called me into.

How can I focus on my colleagues more effectively? Perhaps their photos would help. My passion is people (well, within reason: I’m a hermit too). I would love to shake off my administrative responsibilities vis-à-vis people and just have the caring for and stirring up side of things. If the two can be separated.

A friend shared with me his desire to be less of a people-pleaser and be willing to stick his neck out more. I can really identify with that. Can I be a stirrer-upper, one who enters a situation, stirs things up (motivation, passion, enthusiasm), and leaves the local team to enjoy the result?

"You are able to do a lot more than you think you are able to do." I’m too cautious; I’m not free: lacking spontaneity, and a sticking out of the neck. Improving though!


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