Saturday, October 07, 2006

Reflections after a holiday in the Norwegian fjords

Two things made this a perfect holiday:
a) a great time together as a family
b) the grandeur of creation

I publicly celebrate the joy I have in my family! My wife. My daughter. My son. I love them. We love each other. We are an encouragement and support to one another, and it’s great, it's fun, being together!

And the grandeur of creation. “And behold it was very good.” Mountainous land is so much more interesting than flat land. The fjells plunging straight down into the sea. The islands rising up vertically from the waves.

Was the holiday renewal for “normal work”? I don’t know yet! The pedantic details of admin life seem so foreign, so silly, so irrelevant when faced with the wild and the free. Why do we get ourselves so bogged down? What can we do to avoid getting so bogged down? Is this where Mick is coming from all the time? He has experienced the wild and free, but he is chained to a desk job. How can we bring the wild and free into “normal” life? And not just normal work life but normal family life.

I now have an inbox with 171 new messages. How does the wild and the free, the wilderness and the mountain, the fjord and the fjell help me address this? I can’t stop others from getting bogged down in beaurocracy; I can make an effort to keep out myself. But in my position I ought to be able to cut through the red tape, to set others free from insufferable admin.

Send me your comments! How?


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